Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Effective today - clear and direct communications

I had the opportunity to participate in yet another amazing Queen Convocation with Rev. Ava Park in the Goddess Temple of Orange County last weekend. These events are enlightening, eye-opening, thought-provoking. Not only Ava is an amazing teacher and speaker, but her teachings are just priceless. As I was telling my Priestess-Sister, Lady Jesamyn Angelica, this was our third convocation and the saying says "three times a charm" so now we are Queens!!! 

Each convocation is unique and provides me with an opportunity to re-evaluate a part of my life or several parts. This time, the topic that really resonated with me was the one about communication. Per Ava, the Queen communicates clearly, directly and honestly. She is not one of using passive aggressive remarks, she does not go around or says what she does not mean, she does not keep quiet when something bothers her but when she communicates the situation, she is impersonal and like Ava would say "She sheds light and walks away." She does not engage in angry conversations and does not participate in arguments that will not take her anywhere. She does not feed the fire of a fight. For me, this is such a big lesson because I am a Latin woman and hot blood runs through my veins. When something bothers me, I tend to react and hit where it hurts (thanks to my Mars in Scorpio).

When I heard Ava talking about the communication style of a Queen, I couldn´t help but think that my next year - from my birthday this year to my birthday next year - I want to focus on my communication style. I started thinking of all the times I use sarcasm as a way of communicating when I could directly say what I meant - I know I have the words! I have also used passive aggressive behaviors or manipulative ways in the past instead of saying what was really bothering me or really taking a step back and meditating why those behaviors in others were really pushing my buttons. What was that was bothering me? Was it really that person or situation or was it something that came from the past? What was motivating me to try to manipulate and control de situation? It´s so easy to fall into those patterns when our self esteem is not strong, when our container is leaking and we are exhausted and everything is just too much for us. The Queen is here to shed light, to set boundaries, and to help us not get to those extreme situations were we just turn into our shadow selves. 

Effective today, I will communicate clearly, honestly, directly and with compassion. Thank you Ava for another wonderful lesson!!

Many blessings,

Lady Carolina

Note: The Queen Teachings are coming online in October. If you are not able to participate in a Convocation, you can still have the opportunity to learn them online. Ava Park´s Queen of Your Own Realm book is also coming out in October. Keep your eyes open!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Flat Tire

Transportation has been the topic of Mercury´s shadow period this time around. It all started on June 20 when I broke my left foot till today when they removed the boot that has been supporting my foot for the past 8 weeks. Breaking my foot limited my mobility and my ability to bike, hike, and even walk. Things became complicated. Luckily, I broke my left foot and I have an automatic car so I was able to drive myself around.

Last weekend, as I was walking on the beach, I tripped once again and I broke the flip flop I was wearing. I was on the other side of the beach trail and I had to walk back to my car. The ground was so tough and it was funny to see two guys passing me and making a comment that it was bad for me to be on the boot and at that time I was more concerned about the foot that was not on the boot as it hurt to walk on the pavement. It´s very interesting how perspectives change once you get used to a situation. At that time, the boot was natural for me and the flip flop was my transportation issue.

I still could not help but think about the issues with the feet in the past few weeks and how it seemed that I was stepping in the wrong direction or the universe was slowing me down. On Monday, I woke up and as I was going to work, the flat tire light came on and I had to take the car to the shop to fix the tire. I spent two hours in the shop with another transportation issue. Then I started meditating how the universe was pushing me to slow down, to not rush, to not run.

Today, as they removed the boot from my foot, once again I find myself walking very slow and trying to get used to not having the boot. First, I was slow with the boot, now I am slow without the boot. I know Mercury usually slows things down so we can meditate, rethink, and make new decisions. Today as I feel I have to learn how to walk once again, I am thankful the boot is gone and I am looking forward to what the path ahead brings.

Many blessings,

Lady Carolina
Presiding Priestess of the Circulo de Isis

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Next Step

As I prepare for my doctor´s appointment next Wednesday, I can´t help but look back at the boot journey and what it has meant to me. When I broke my foot in June, I was very disappointed at the idea of having to be in the boot for most of the summer. I thought about all the things I was not able to do - biking, hiking, swimming (in the beginning), and some other things. I felt weak and fragile because I had to ask for help, I had to depend on others when I have always been superwoman, being able to do everything myself and not depending on anybody. I had to learn to receive help because when people see you with this boot, believe me, they want to help you! 

As the days passed and I started getting used to my supportive companion (yes... because it definitely supported my broken foot!), I realized how many times I had taken things for granted and we only realize we don´t have them when they are gone. Why can´t we be grateful everyday for all the good things in our lives? It goes from waking up in the morning to being able to breath everyday. How many relationships have we taken for granted? Have you woken up one day and found that a friend is gone because you neglected the relationship so much that it just broke?

Getting closer to the point of saying good bye to the boot, I start thinking what is the next step. Was I not able to take the next step so my foot broke? Was my foundation too rigid or too soft? Was my foundation not solid enough so I could step confidently into the future? 

This weekend has been very transformational for me. For the first time in my life, I decided to go away to take care of myself. On Thursday, I felt I needed to go away to refocus my energy and have some ME time. I asked the Goddess to guide me and I found this beautiful hotel in Half Moon Bay. I´ve been craving lobster for a while so I decided to make a reservation for a very special dinner with the most important person in my life, ME. As I drove to Half Moon Bay, I could feel my inner child excited about the adventure of going to a place I have never been before. When I got to the hotel, I found this beautiful paradise. My room was spectacular and the ladies in the front desk were very nice. As I talked to my father and told him I had gone on a little ME retreat, he told me that sometimes the ocean calls you and you have to go. Yes!!!! I have that in the genes and I take after my father in that sense, LOL. 

During dinner, I brought my book with me just in case I felt uncomfortable eating by myself. Little did I know I was in for a dinner of a lifetime. The food was amazing and they gave me a table where I could see the ocean while eating. I found myself enjoying dinner, the view and the attention I was getting from the server who I think was fascinated about the fact that I was all by myself and I was enjoying myself plenty. There is something to be said about how people look at you when you are a woman by yourself. People expect that you have a partner or a girlfriend, but an empowered woman alone really gets the center light and the fascination from others. After dinner, I went to the beach and for the first time, I took my boot out and walk on the sand. It felt so good! I was carrying the boot like if it was my baby. Yes, for 7 weeks this boot was my support and now I was supporting it by carrying it with me. 

When I got back to the hotel, I decided to ask the ladies in the front desk if they have a glass for wine. I was determined I was not going to drink my wine on a plastic cup. We need to treat ourselves the way we want others to treat us... no more plastic cups! The lady at the front desk brought me a beautiful glass and smile at me deeply because she knew it was time for hot tub and wine!

Today, I decided to go to the beach so I could play with the sand and the water. As I started walking on the trail, I noticed that it was quite complex to get down to the beach as there were some cliffs and I had my boot on... Finally I found a place where I felt I could go down. As I reached the water, I felt so empowered! I had been able to get there without the boot and my foot was feeling fine. That´s when I realized that I do not need to have a solid foundation to take the next step, but instead I need to have a flexible foundation because if I am solid and rigid, everything can break but if I am flexible, no matter how big the earthquake is, it will not break me, I will just twist and turn but not break. I know I am ready to take the next step. I have learned my lesson and it´s time to take the next step.

Many Blessings,

Lady Carolina
Presiding Priestess of Circulo de Isis

Monday, August 6, 2012

2012 - Five Months Left

We have passed the threshold for 2012, half year is gone and we have another half to go. This is the time to start thinking what are those goals you set up in 2011 that make no sense at all, what are the things that you can let go of, and what are the things that you need to focus on so you can finish 2012 strong. 

For me, 2012 started with a Mandarin Round II that did not last too long... yes, 2012 showed me that Mandarin was a very complex language and if I wanted to learn it well, I would have to sacrifice so many other things to make time for that activity so it did not pass the test... yep, you read it right, it did not pass the test of time because I was not ready to just drop everything I like in life just to focus on that language.

2012 also showed me that no matter how much we plan, we always have to factor the element of surprise and we need to keep in mind that plans are just guidelines and we will need to adjust. Breaking my foot in middle June showed me that all that I had planned for the summer would need to be placed on hold and that the universe really wanted me to slow down and feel how it is to not go 1000 miles an hour.

2012 also showed me that Buenos Aires is the place I was born but not the place I would like to live anymore. After visiting my family there, I realized that the US is my home now and that the things I may take for granted in this country are not as easy to attain in other places so I should be grateful everyday for all I have and really count my blessings.

2012 is also my Queen year because since late 2011, I started studying with Ava Park and since then, my life has changed completely. I have regained a part of me that was hidden and the more it comes out, the happier my life is, and the more empowered I am as a woman and as a Priestess. 

Now we have 5 more months to go till the end of the year and in those months, I decided to start studying Italian because it is a language that makes me happy and I feel very connected to it as part of my heritage is from that country. I also want to focus on being healthy and whole... yes, that implies working out even with my broken foot. My first question for the doctor once he said I needed to be in the boot for another four weeks was ... what can I do for work out? So now I have a plan, I want to lose some weight and get stronger during the second part of the year. I also want to focus on letting go of all those things that don´t serve me anymore such as things I could give away because I haven´t used in year... yes, time to make space for the new and we can only do that when we let go of the old.

What do you want to accomplish in the next five months? What have you accomplished so far? Is there anything you set up as a goal but it is irrelevant now? This is the time to evaluate, plan, and implement for the final months of 2012... there are only five months left. What will you do?

Many blessings,

Presiding Priestess of Circulo de Isis

Thursday, August 2, 2012

La Verace Via (The True Path)

Buon Pomeriggiomy friends! Yes... Welcome to the new Carolina Amor-Boggs adventure- Italian!!! As being a Priestess Queen with a broken foot was not enough... now we have a new goal - learn Italian and visit Italy in 2013! As some of you know, my ancestors from my mother´s side are Italian and German while my dad´s side is Spanish and Greek. After a lot of thought, I decided to study Italian because is such a passionate language, so sexy, so fiery.... so me! Not only do I talk with the hands but I am also intense and passionate - Italian runs in my blood! The Borello in me is coming out now! If I had to use all my last names my name would be very long - Carolina Amor Borello Tieri Knorp Boggs - yep! too long!!! But the heritage is there and the blood starts calling and we can not turn our heads the other side. I am wondering why English called me... mmmm.... keep tight... next blog :)

A few weeks ago, I started reading the book "Finding your own north star - claiming the life you were meant to live by Martha Beck" and that´s when I came across the concept of "La Verace Via" and how finding the true path is part of our essential self. Martha believes that we have two selves - one is the social self and the other one is the essential self. The social self is based on our society, traditions, family and culture while the essential self is the inner core that knows what our purpose in this lifetime is. La Verace Via comes from the Divine Comedy and Martha says that we are all heroes of our own lives (well, heroines) and that if we connect our social self with the essential self we can find our path to our North Star (our purpose in life). 

When I read this, I immediately felt called to continue reading this book because there is something about our True Path that really calls me because I do believe we are here on this Earth to fulfill our purpose and to be who we are meant to be and not the ones that others want us to be. La Verace Via is my motto in life and I really started meditating on this phrase and the current state of affairs in my personal life. As I meditated I couldn´t help but think about my broken foot and what the meaning of this event could be. Am I not ready for the next step in life? Do I need to slow down? Am I going to fast in life? When I went to the doctor yesterday and I found out I had to be with this boot for another 4 weeks, I was highly disappointed... yep Das Boot is here to stay for a little longer (yep- the German is also coming out). Das Boot is here to teach me a lesson in my true path... meditate, think, evaluate and then step firmly into the future because shy steps will not do it. The message from the universe is that I am not ready for the next step so I need to proceed with caution... pay attention... and never forget to listen to my essential self because that´s the part that will guide me to my North Star.... my Verace Via.

What´s your Verace Via? What´s your Essential Self telling you now? Are you in the right path? Don´t get a broken foot to realize you are stepping into life wrong... just listen to your heart, follow your essential self guidance and find your Verace Via!

Many blessings,

Presiding Priestess of the Circulo de Isis