Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Motherland feeling like Foreignland

Every journey has its adventures and this one is no different in that sense. When I left San Francisco, I knew this trip was going to be interesting and unusual since I was planning to meet some people I met in Facebook, I am being very picky on who I see and what I do, and I wanted to learn the stories of my mother line.

Since day one, I noticed that this land has changed a lot, that people live in fear and that they are all scared about going out at night. It seems like we are definitely in the jungle where people get killed during day time for their wallets. All the stories I heard have made nothing but freaked me out and make me paranoid. This was emphasized yesterday when after hearing lots of stories, I found myself in a neighborhood I don´t know and it was dark, I couldn´t find the bus stop and I kept walking fast trying to figure out what to do. In the end, I prayed to Isis asking her to send me a taxi that would make me feel safe so I saw this old man and I said, this is safe, this is my cab. When I got in the cab, you would think that people use GPS machines to find their way. Well, let me tell you, in Argentina, the GPS voice does not indicate the streets you are on but the dangerous areas. Yes! You heard it, I am sitting on the cab, trying to calm myself down and hear the GPS saying "Be aware you are entering in a dangerous area". For one second I thought, is this machine seeing traffic? Then; I saw people in the streets living there, fire and I was like, oh yes, this is a dangerous area.

Today, I had the Buenos Aires Traveling experience of being on a bus like we are cattle and I noticed how much I changed in the past few years. It seems so long ago when I lived in this country and I was not surprised about being compressed in a bus. I guess now I need my personal space and feeling like I am pressed to people does not make me feel good. To this fact, we have to add that my dad did not like that either and kept complaining about it.... well you can imagine the rest.

As Innana traveling in the underworld, I also had my subway experience and that was better than the bus. Can you believe that? I used to complain that the subway was like being in a human sausage where we are all stuck to each other but this time, it seems the busses are worse than the subway... maybe the underworld is not that bad afterall... LOL

But not all has been bad, I am having a wonderful time with my dad, I´ve been hearing the stories of the family and connecting with wonderful women. Yesterday, I had the honor to be taught by the creator of the Sacred Woman Oracle and I also met another sister from here. It´s great to see that the Goddess is finally showing her face in Buenos Aires. It is time for this country to see the love of the mother since the fear you can see only expresses the need for the Goddess. The other lesson that I am learning is the fact that I need to be grateful for all I have. Many times, when we live in a place that offers so much like the USA, we forget that other places don´t have the same luck. This has opened my eyes to the fact that I have nothing to comlain and I am grateful to be able to live in the place I live and have all I have. Lately, Motherland is feeling like Foreignland.

Blessings )0(

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the post - very inspirational! Love to you, Sister!
