Friday, March 2, 2018

Virgo Full Moon - Time to Declutter!

Hi Everyone,

March is here! Can you believe it? It feels like January and February flew by and here we are, getting closer to spring and the question becomes, what is about to bloom for you? Today, we have a Full Moon in Virgo. If you recall from previous messages, Full Moons are about completion, to coming full circle, to becoming whole. Virgo is a sign related to healing, getting organized, refining and simplifying. If we put together spring and simplifying, what do we get? Yes, you guessed it! Spring Cleaning or Decluttering! During this period, you are invited to look at your life and see where you are holding on to things that you no longer need or serve you in any way. It is also a great time to refine your connections and shed those relationships that are toxic or not healthy at this time.

Most of us carry the wound of not feeling enough or worthy. If you are one of us, this is a good time to work on healing that wound as Mercury and Venus are touching Chiron. This is a moment when we have to decide to go for relationships that are mutual and reciprocal. Stop giving more than enough because you feel you are not enough. It´s time to decode the pattern of unworthy and code a new pattern of worth based on who you are and not what you give to others.

The Full Moon will oppose Neptune in Piscis. What does this mean to you? This is a good time to follow your intuition, pay attention to your dreams and meditate or go into quiet contemplation. You will get more answers from connecting to your soul than by looking outside or using your intellect. Allow yourself to surrender and go with the flow, that flow that takes you to your soul.

Use this astrological time wisely and declutter your life, stay true to who you are and allow happiness and gratitude to be part of your every day life.

Many blessings,


Rev. Carolina A. Amor

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