Saturday, April 14, 2018

New Moon in Aries - April 15

Hi Everyone,

Can you believe it´s April already? I am not sure about you, but I am feeling that time is going so fast is almost scary! How has Mercury retrograde in Aries been treating you? I hope he has been better to you that it´s been to me as I have had so many miscommunications it´s hard to keep track of. Luckily for all of us, our God of Communication and Transportation is turning direct tomorrow giving us a gentle push to move forward in all the areas we have been evaluating while it was retrograde. The time to act is now!

Besides Mercury turning direct tomorrow, we are also having a New Moon in Aries. New Moons are about planting seeds, visioning the things we want to create  and making room for that creation to take place. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and as such, it is the spark that ignites all creation. The question becomes what do you wish to create now? Are you clear and what your dreams are? Sometimes our dreams are limited by our fears or limitations. This New Moon is saying push through your fears and allow yourself to imagine the best case scenario. My teacher Sonia Choquette has an exercise called digging for gold that lines up with the energies of this New Moon. The exercise invites you to write in your journal or in a a piece of paper the phrase "If I wasn´t afraid of ...., I would.... " Complete this phrase 10 times or 20 times if necessary but clear away your fears and see what your reality would be if you were not afraid. What does your imagination allow you to create? Remember, you cannot create what you cannot imagine. Use the power of this New Moon to ignite the fire of creation in your life, move pass your fears and allow yourself to live the best life you can live.

Many blessings,


Rev. Carolina A. Amor

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