It´s interesting to see that we reach mid-year and we have a few planets going retrograde or about to do so. When planets turn retrograde, they ask us to review, redo, rearrange, reconsider and all those other re- you can come up with. We have been dealing with Pluto Retro since April 13 and it will go direct after September 21. Pluto is transiting the sign of Capricorn (the sign rule by Saturn) asking us to review our structures and let go of those that are outdates and have no purpose anymore. Coincidentally Saturn is Retro in Pluto´s sign - Scorpio. This rulership opposition is making us feel a lot of tension because we are trying to place structure in our deep self but at the same time we are asked to let go of all those foundations we built before so we can move to the next level. Neptune will turn retrograde in Piscis on June 9. Neptune is the ruler of Piscis so this planet´s need to spend more time in that sign is a call for us to surrender and to flow. With the continuos pressure of Saturn and Pluto in each other´s sign, we need Neptune to help us ease the pressure and shows us the way so we do not self-destruct but instead we find the way to our new vision of life.
Mercury will be turning Retro this Saturday, June 7, in the sign of Cancer. As I mentioned in previous blogs, when this planet turns retro you can expect miscommunications, problems with transportation, with computers, with communications and in the sign of Cancer, I would say expect issues at home - the sink breaks down, the cooker does not work anymore, the fridge goes out... the list goes on.
Fear not my friends! Retrograde planets are a blessing in disguise because at times we become complacent and start taking things for granted so there comes the wake up call that says "Hey! Are you sure this is what you want in your life?" and you are given another chance to re-evaluate and re-adjust the course so you reach your destination and not get lost in the woods of life.
Talking about getting lost in the woods of life... today a cockroach got lost in my palace.... yes, you heard it right. It was the first time in 11 years that I saw a flying cockroach in California. I used to see them all the time when I lived in Buenos Aires but never had any issues here. If you know me, you know I have cockroach phobia! I can´t even get close to them as I have a mix of fear and repulsion that paralyzes me. When I saw this little fellow borderline dead in my home, I was shocked. I couldn´t help but think... "Wow what is this sign about? a cockroach in the house..... I thought I had cleaned up my life!" I was about to leave it where it was sitting but then I decided to get all my strength and courage and swept it away. Yes, I got my magickal broom and I swept the cockroach out of my house and as it left, I said "You are not welcome here anymore, don´t come back."After this episode I was proud because I had dealt with the issue by myself and also because it felt like powerful magick was taking place. I was telling the universe I don´t want any more cockroaches in my life, there is no space for them so keep them away.
The cockroach incident made me think that it is time to look inside the closets of my life one more time to make sure that everything is in alignment with my purpose in life. At times, there may be sneaky things that get in the way but we are half way through 2014 and self assessment is due! Don´t let distractions take you away from your destination! Are you happy with the results you are seeing? If yes, keep going. If not, maybe it´s time to adjust the course because if you always do what you´ve always done, you will continue getting what you´ve always got, it´s that simple. You want something different then do something different. Change starts with you! Take the driver seat of your life today and make sure your internal GPS is set to your destination!
Many blessings,
Carolina Amalia Amor
Presiding Priestess of Circulo de Isis
Member of the Archdruid Union
Founder of Tienda Roja
Member of the Archdruid Union
Founder of Tienda Roja