Friday, March 31, 2017

Back in Planet Earth

Hello Earthlings! I´ve been wondering in outer space and I have decided to come back to Planet Earth because there is more to learn in this land. This land that has become wonderland as you don´t know what type of creature will come out next. A place where reality seems unreal and we seem to be living in a reality show that has a bitter taste and leave us wondering who will be voted out of the house next. Avoidance is one solution. Fighting is another. We have done both in the past. We have walked that road before, do we want to walk it again? Can we choose a different road? What does that road look like? We face a time of exploration, a time where we face our inner demons and we are triggered from every corner to react but reaction is not what is needed here. We need strategy, we need unity, we need collaboration. There are times where we don´t need to fight fire with fire and this is one of those times if we don´t want to have a global explosion. This is the time where we are asked to be like chess players and anticipate the moves. We are ask to see two or three steps ahead of our opponent because our opponent does not have long term vision. We are also reminded that we are all one so if we work on lifting our vibrations and working on our ourselves, our change will generate a global change because it creates a ripple effect.

I have mentioned this saying several times but I feel it deserves repeating once again. We have zero control over the events in our lives, but we have the control over how we choose to react to them. If  you change your reactions or your responses, you will change the outcome. There are several things we cannot change but we can choose to work around them or try to find a way to deal with them. This way of thinking is an invitation to not take the victimhood road and instead take responsibility for our creations and know that we always have a choice and that choice gives us power. The power to shape our reality because our responses shape our reality.

As we continue facing chaos, uncertainty and fear, it is up to us to go with the masses or to choose different. Choose today to not let the chaos and uncertainty rule  your life. Don´t let these situations take your power away and also don´t engage in low vibration behavior as anger and hate. Instead, choose to shift your vibration, focus on gratitude and all the positive things you have. Remember you always have a choice and if you want a different result, you will need to choose a different path because if you always choose what you always chose, you will always get what you always got. It´s as simple as that. We are called to find a different path, a new path. This is a path of self exploration and change, it´s a path that we have not walked before. Be gentle with yourself during this process and remember to take care of your own needs, because if you don´t do it, nobody will.

Change is the only constant and this is just the beginning.


Rev. Carolina Amor