Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Ticking Bomb

The story begins over 20 years ago when the dentist in Argentina removed the braces and found out that one of my molars had developed a big cavity due to the braces support on that molar. At that time, I did not think much about this tooth but kept going. I was just 16 years old and did not want to think about dental issues anymore. Time continued to pass and I found myself being 22 and getting ready to travel to the USA for the first time. At this time, I remember my molar and the bad shape it was in. I went to the dentist and told him to remove the tooth as I was traveling to a different country and I did not want that ticking  bomb to explode while I was abroad. He asked me if it hurt and I said no so he said, just remove it when it hurts but not before.

Eight years after that, I found myself living in the USA and having an extreme pain on one of my teeth. It was not the old molar, it was a different tooth. I went to the dentist and it turned out to be that I needed a root canal. The pain was so bad that I would have done anything to make it stop so without thinking, I went and had the root canal. At that time, the dentist mentioned the molar and said that I should do a root canal on that one too to save the tooth. He was amazed that it did not hurt as I had like half a tooth there. I said ok and I moved on with my life.

Today, 9 years after that first root canal, I went and had the second root canal on the old molar. That molar that never hurt but was always a ticking bomb waiting to explode. The dentist told me they used different X-Rays 9 years ago and that he was happy I had come back and amazed it still did not hurt. I am about to turn 40 and with Saturn in Capricorn, I have to take care of my teeth, there is no looking the other way anymore. Yesterday, in my initial dental appointment, the dentist was quite surprised I knew exactly what was going on in my mouth. He said "you are pretty tuned in to your teeth". I smiled and I thought I´ve been working on fine tuning my intuition and my skills for the past five years so it would be funny to just be intuitive in one area of my life and not another so it makes sense I could feel my teeth and know it is time to pay a visit to the local dentist.

By now, you may be wondering why I am telling you this story. That is to say if you are still reading! The story of the molar is a story that shows how sometimes if something does not hurt, we keep it going even thought we know it is a ticking bomb. It is a story of knowing something is not healthy but because it is not toxic enough, we  don´t take care of it. Now, think about those things in your life that you know are not longer needed or are not really healthy for you but because they don´t hurt, you just do the same you have always done and not change it. What if you decide to change it today? How would your life be different? 

You may be in fear of taking action. You may think you are not brave enough to change your world, to rock that boat. All it takes is to decide to do it. To decide to take the first step. Sometimes we settle for less than we deserve because it does not hurt and we are afraid of change or go for something better. Don´t allow your ticking bomb to continue growing, don´t settle. Life is too short not to live it fully. No matter what your fear is, you have what it takes to conquer it. The Universe would not place a test if you don´t have the tools to pass it. Trust yourself, Trust the Universe. Trust the process.

All is well!

Many blessings,


Monday, July 9, 2018

Solar Eclipse in Cancer - July 12-13

Hi Everyone,
July is here! Summer is here! And three Eclipses are coming between July and August. Are you ready to shift? Eclipses usually come in twos but this time, we have three in a row. The message is clear - major endings and beginnings are ahead. Eclipses give us the extra push we need to break patterns, to let go and to choose something different. We begin the Eclipse saga with a solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 12. Then, we will have a Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius on July 27. And finally we will end with a new Solar Eclipse in Leo on August 11. What is the story that these three events tell us? My guess is that it begins at home where we need to review what our core principles are and what needs to go. Aquarius then tells us to get out there, be out of our comfort zone and try something different so we can find our heart values - Leo. 
This coming Thursday, we will experience a partial Solar Eclipse in Cancer giving us an opportunity to review our values and our roots. What foundations are solid? What foundations do not serve you anymore? The Universe is saying that there may be certain traditions that are not nurturing anymore and they need to go. Since they are traditions, you may be attached to them and reluctant to let them go so this Eclipse gives you that extra strength to be able to cut those cords. It is essential that you trust your intuition during these times as intuition does not lie. The head may lie. The ego may try to confuse you but your intuition knows the truth because it knows vibration and vibration does not lie. Use this Eclipse to shed light on those hidden feelings that may have been repressed and find a positive way to channel that energy. You may be faced with your shadow or any dysfunctional pattern, and this is your time to address it. There is no need to fear your shadow as in that shadow resides part of your power. Try to spend some time in nature and ground. Go for a run. Express your feelings even if it is by writing a letter and burning it. Let it out and let it go. 
This is a powerful time for healing and releasing old patterns. Use it wisely.
Many blessings,
Rev. Carolina A. Amor

Monday, May 28, 2018

Full Moon in Sagittarius - May 29

Hi Everyone,
Are you ready for a Full Moon in Sagittarius tonight? Sagittarius is the sign of truth and freedom. It is also the sign that pushes us to expand our horizons and venture into new adventures. Like it´s symbol, we are always searching for the next target to hit and follow the arrow of our destiny. Full Moons are about completion. We are reaching the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. As we end the old cycle, we face our fears and look at our demons in the eyes and say "I am ready to move forward, I am fearless in the face of fear". 
During this Full Moon, we are invited to confront our fears and remember that our happiness does not depend on outside input but it is an inside job. In the past, I shared the formula E+R=O. This stands by Event + Reaction = Outcome. We have no control over the events in our lives but we do have control over our reactions and that will shape our outcomes. It is time that we choose a different reaction if we want to see a different picture. We can not continue doing the same thing and expecting a different result so now it´s time to act. It´s time to change and create a new vision based on how we react to those events we can not control. 
In order to change our reactions, we need to change our thinking, we need to change our priorities, we need to change our environment. Movement is essential because stagnant energy is not going to take you anywhere. Let go of the things that don´t serve you, declutter and leave those things that are essential and true to who you are. This is a time to seek new possibilities and we can only do that by changing ourselves. Remember it begins with you and then it transpires in the world. Every person counts. Choose a different tomorrow by choosing a different option today.
Many blessings,
Rev. Carolina A. Amor

Monday, May 14, 2018

New Moon in Taurus - Uranus in Taurus - May 15

Hi Everyone,
The world as you know it is about to change. Are you ready for the big shift? Uranus, the planet of change and transformation, is about to move from Aries to Taurus. During his stay in Aries, Uranus has initiated the transformation that is going to manifest during his stay in Taurus. Taurus is the sign that rules our basic needs such as security, money, love, and more. Uranus´transit in Taurus will reshape our needs and will open up the door for radical change. It will also help us connect with our bodies and with nature. Human beings have become very disconnected from the natural world and the time has come for us to wake up. If we continue living the way we do today, there will be no planet for our future generations. 
The crossing of Uranus from Aries to Taurus takes place on the same day we have a New Moon also in Taurus. New Moons are about planting the seeds and new beginnings so the question becomes, what are you going to plant? Are you ready to plant seeds of change or will fear make you try to push the river and stay the same? This is not a change you can avoid but you can go with the flow or you can go against it. It´s up to you. The Universe is giving you a chance to shift the way you see the world, change your way of connecting with your resources and open up to new ways of relating to others. Are you ready for this change? 
These are periods of high stress and anxiety so make sure that you take care of your own needs. Practice self-care. Meditate. Walk in nature and remember that even when the world seems to be falling apart, the Universe is dissolving what no longer serves us so we can build again. We need to destroy the stagnant structure in order to build a new one. Trust the process. You got this!
Many blessings,
Rev. Carolina A. Amor

Friday, April 27, 2018

Full Moon in Scorpio - April 29

Hi Everyone,

April is almost gone but it is not done yet! We have been on a journey of transformation and letting go of the old to embrace the true self. The New Moon in Aries on April 15 helped us to begin the process of exploration and gathering clarity on those things that we need to release. Now, we are faced with a Full Moon in Scorpio on Sunday April 29. This Moon is not comfortable but Full Moons bring the energy of completion and what began a couple of weeks ago is ready to be released.

What areas in your life do you feel you are just surviving instead of being successful? What are the karmic patterns that keep you stuck in the hamster wheel of life? This Full Moon invites us to spend some time exploring where we are attached and what the patterns are. Are these patterns ours or have we carried them from our ancestors. Can we release them or what are we getting out of them to hold on to them?

This Full Moon is a period where people may be triggered easily so instead of reacting, I invite you to take a deep breath, think and then respond. If you act on impulse, you may hurt others or get in situations that could be avoided. Instead of using the triggers to ignite people, use the energy of this Full Moon to discover your hidden treasure and move yourself forward in your spiritual journey.

Many blessings,


Rev. Carolina A. Amor

Saturday, April 14, 2018

New Moon in Aries - April 15

Hi Everyone,

Can you believe it´s April already? I am not sure about you, but I am feeling that time is going so fast is almost scary! How has Mercury retrograde in Aries been treating you? I hope he has been better to you that it´s been to me as I have had so many miscommunications it´s hard to keep track of. Luckily for all of us, our God of Communication and Transportation is turning direct tomorrow giving us a gentle push to move forward in all the areas we have been evaluating while it was retrograde. The time to act is now!

Besides Mercury turning direct tomorrow, we are also having a New Moon in Aries. New Moons are about planting seeds, visioning the things we want to create  and making room for that creation to take place. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and as such, it is the spark that ignites all creation. The question becomes what do you wish to create now? Are you clear and what your dreams are? Sometimes our dreams are limited by our fears or limitations. This New Moon is saying push through your fears and allow yourself to imagine the best case scenario. My teacher Sonia Choquette has an exercise called digging for gold that lines up with the energies of this New Moon. The exercise invites you to write in your journal or in a a piece of paper the phrase "If I wasn´t afraid of ...., I would.... " Complete this phrase 10 times or 20 times if necessary but clear away your fears and see what your reality would be if you were not afraid. What does your imagination allow you to create? Remember, you cannot create what you cannot imagine. Use the power of this New Moon to ignite the fire of creation in your life, move pass your fears and allow yourself to live the best life you can live.

Many blessings,


Rev. Carolina A. Amor

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Blue Moon in Libra - March 31

Hi Everyone,

Can you believe March is almost gone? Spring is here! As I write this message, it´s 73 degrees outside and a beautiful spring night. You wouldn´t imagine two days ago, it was only 39 degrees in the morning and I had my heater on! Well, reality is that the weather is as crazy as the energies we have around us. Intensity is magnified and extremes are on the horizon as we move from absolutes to integration. The paradigm of you against me is changing to we and as humanity grows and evolve, we can start seeing changes. It is not without chaos and disruption that the grow and evolve.

Full Moons are about completion and reaching our peak moment. Next Saturday, we have a Full Moon in the sign of Libra. This Moon is also a Blue Moon as it is the second Full Moon within one month. Libra is the sign of relationships so during this moon, we are asked to look at how we relate to others and how we relate to ourselves. The Hermetic Axiom says as within so without. The question then becomes, how do you treat yourself? Your relationships are a reflection of your relationship with the most important person in your life, YOU. Do you feel you can be authentic with the people around you or do you have to wear masks? Do people around you can be who they are or do they feel they need to pretend because they feel they will be judged? This Full Moon is a great time to meditate and contemplate our relationships in general. We also need to see where we have been and determine where we are going. With Mercury Retrograde in Aries, there is a call to slow down, rethink and get back to the drawing board. Maybe we have not really single out what we truly want to manifest and instead we are still having some non-essential goals. This is the time to get clear and make a commitment to pursue what we truly want. This is your time and you can have your tribe by your side. Just make sure you surround yourself with those who allow you to be who you truly are. They don´t judge you. They don´t try to manipulate you. They just support you and they are your believing eyes.

These are intense times for everyone. Make sure to practice self-care and dedicate some time to unplug from electronics and plug into your spirit.



Rev. Carolina A. Amor

Friday, March 16, 2018

Pisces New Moon - stop, breathe, go within!

Hi Everyone,

Do you feel like the weather these days - sunny, rainy, hailing - all in one day? How are the strong energies treating you these days? Some of you know that I have a puppy now so my life has turned upside down literally and I am still trying to adjust. Busyness has been predominant even when I am not teaching many classes at the moment. Some days, I feel like a hamster on the wheel going many miles an hour but getting nowhere.

One of the lessons of the upcoming New Moon in Pisces is to stop, breath and reflect. New Moons are about planting the seeds for the next cycle. When the Moon is in Pisces, it invites us to meditate, to find me time to go within and connect with our Spirit. It also invites us to align our life with the flow of life. Many times, we associate doing with our self worth instead of just being. Tomorrow, I invite you to spend some time just being. Also evaluate what your priorities are and choose to dedicate a time to connect with your Spirit daily so you are align with your purpose. We live in a world that equates being busy with being successful. Let´s decode that notion and code the notion of relaxation is also part of leading a successful life. Self care is essential in these days of high stress and high anxiety around us. Put yourself in your schedule and make sure you dedicate some "me" time daily when possible, but at least weekly.

We are also entering the shadow of Mercury Retrograde. Mercury will turn retro in Aries on March 24th. It will remain retrograde till April 14th. Retrograde periods are times to not take action but go back to the drawing table and figure out what our next steps are. Also see what our motivations are in the projects we have going or the ideas that are coming up. Aries is the initiator, the spark that gets us going. When Mercury is retro in this sign, it is inviting us to revisit our ideas so when we push forward, we will begin a project that deserves to be our priority. During the Mercury Retrograde period, we may feel that we lack motivation or anything that we begin is being blocked, we may feel stuck and have a sense that no matter what we start, it is not going nowhere. Remember, it´s a time to revisit, plan and strategize but not to execute. If you try to execute, you may find more roadblocks than blessings. Use the time wisely and get clear on what you want so in April, you will have the energy to manifest it.

Many blessings,