Monday, May 28, 2018

Full Moon in Sagittarius - May 29

Hi Everyone,
Are you ready for a Full Moon in Sagittarius tonight? Sagittarius is the sign of truth and freedom. It is also the sign that pushes us to expand our horizons and venture into new adventures. Like it´s symbol, we are always searching for the next target to hit and follow the arrow of our destiny. Full Moons are about completion. We are reaching the end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. As we end the old cycle, we face our fears and look at our demons in the eyes and say "I am ready to move forward, I am fearless in the face of fear". 
During this Full Moon, we are invited to confront our fears and remember that our happiness does not depend on outside input but it is an inside job. In the past, I shared the formula E+R=O. This stands by Event + Reaction = Outcome. We have no control over the events in our lives but we do have control over our reactions and that will shape our outcomes. It is time that we choose a different reaction if we want to see a different picture. We can not continue doing the same thing and expecting a different result so now it´s time to act. It´s time to change and create a new vision based on how we react to those events we can not control. 
In order to change our reactions, we need to change our thinking, we need to change our priorities, we need to change our environment. Movement is essential because stagnant energy is not going to take you anywhere. Let go of the things that don´t serve you, declutter and leave those things that are essential and true to who you are. This is a time to seek new possibilities and we can only do that by changing ourselves. Remember it begins with you and then it transpires in the world. Every person counts. Choose a different tomorrow by choosing a different option today.
Many blessings,
Rev. Carolina A. Amor

Monday, May 14, 2018

New Moon in Taurus - Uranus in Taurus - May 15

Hi Everyone,
The world as you know it is about to change. Are you ready for the big shift? Uranus, the planet of change and transformation, is about to move from Aries to Taurus. During his stay in Aries, Uranus has initiated the transformation that is going to manifest during his stay in Taurus. Taurus is the sign that rules our basic needs such as security, money, love, and more. Uranus´transit in Taurus will reshape our needs and will open up the door for radical change. It will also help us connect with our bodies and with nature. Human beings have become very disconnected from the natural world and the time has come for us to wake up. If we continue living the way we do today, there will be no planet for our future generations. 
The crossing of Uranus from Aries to Taurus takes place on the same day we have a New Moon also in Taurus. New Moons are about planting the seeds and new beginnings so the question becomes, what are you going to plant? Are you ready to plant seeds of change or will fear make you try to push the river and stay the same? This is not a change you can avoid but you can go with the flow or you can go against it. It´s up to you. The Universe is giving you a chance to shift the way you see the world, change your way of connecting with your resources and open up to new ways of relating to others. Are you ready for this change? 
These are periods of high stress and anxiety so make sure that you take care of your own needs. Practice self-care. Meditate. Walk in nature and remember that even when the world seems to be falling apart, the Universe is dissolving what no longer serves us so we can build again. We need to destroy the stagnant structure in order to build a new one. Trust the process. You got this!
Many blessings,
Rev. Carolina A. Amor