Sunday, June 2, 2019

New Moon in Gemini - monitor your self-talk

When I think about Gemini, I think about information, communication, sometimes gossip. I also think of the Twins and how sometimes it is unpredictable or changeable but as a mutable sign, it is flexible and easy to change in a minute.  Tomorrow, we will experience a New Moon in Gemini. For me, New Moons are about new beginnings, planting seeds, visioning what we want to manifest and setting the first steps to move as closer to the goal we have in mind.  If we combine the two, Gemini and the New Moon, the first thing that comes to my mind is working on a new way to structure information or how we receive information. Another thing that comes to mind is to take some time to explore how we communicate with others and also to ourselves.

We all experience that voice in the back of our minds that tells us how we are not achieving what we should achieve. Sometimes it tells us we are not enough. Other times it tells us we are too fat. Even it compares us to all those people who exceed expectations in the area we are focusing and fails to see the whole picture. During this New Moon, I invite you to sit down with that voice and re-write the script it tells you. Release all the negative statements and replace them with new ones. For example, when the voice says "you will never accomplish anything", you can look back in your life and see all the times you accomplished your goals and tell the voice the statement is not true and name your accomplishments.

Power comes from choosing the messages we allow our head to play. If a message takes your power away, the Universe is telling you, it's time to change the message. Try writing all the negative statements on a piece of paper and burning the paper in the cauldron so you can see them transform. Then write your new statements and place them as a screen saver on your  phone so it will remind you that you create your reality and those are your statements. You can also record the statements in your phone and play it twice a day as if they were affirmations. It took years to program the negative voice so it will take sometime to reprogram it but rest assure you have what it takes to change those mandates. Just one day at a time.

Many blessings,

Rev. Carolina A. Amor