Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Forever Grateful

Time flies!! Today I celebrate my 11 year anniversary of moving to the USA. I still remember how nervous I was when I was going to the US Embassy for my interview to grant me a conditional green card to come over to this country. I had to face that interview all by myself because my ex-husband had to come back after we got married to work and couldn´t go back to Argentina for the interview. I had jumped all the hoops and felt so powerless against all the bureaucracy but this man who was interviewing me made me feel like home. He spoke Spanish and I spoke English. We both show respect to each other and he understood how stressful the whole process was. I was told my papers would be ready in three days so I bought my ticket and even though at that time I was suffering from pneumonia and the doctor said I should not travel, I still got on that plane with my magic envelope (yes, remember the magic envelope I mentioned a few blogs ago, the one that took me straight to the immigrations office when I landed in Miami to have my fingerprints done and legally enter the USA).

There was nothing that would stop me from coming to this country. I was sure I wanted to live here and the power of love was moving me as I had only spent two weeks with my new husband and we had been separated for a couple of months while the paperwork was being processed. Young love moves mountains!

Looking back, it was not an easy road! I had to work in the Dollar Tree to make a living even thought I spoke two languages, had a college degree and I was more than capable. Then I spent two years working in the daycare facility of a popular hotel here in California because I felt comfortable around children who would not judge my accent or my shyness. I went from job to job until I found the one I am currently on. I went to university here to earn yet another degree to be able to have better chances in this country. As I said, it was not an easy road but each challenge presented opportunities to grow and learn new things. It´s easier to survive when you know you have your family by your side and if something goes wrong, you can run to your parents home and be safe. It´s also easier when you are in familiar territory and the traditions and culture are the same. People may not understand you. You may feel lonely and homesick. You may miss the food, the language, the people but in the end you get used to it. Once you get there, you start seeing the beauty of this world where there are opportunities for those who work hard and it is definitely the land of the free.

Today, I find myself in my own home looking at all I have accomplished in these 11 years. How much different I am from that girl that landed in Miami scared but filled with hope for a brighter future with the man she loved. Today, I can say I am grateful for the journey and there would be nothing I would change or do differently because each and every experience has made me who I am today.  I am forever grateful to my ex-husband for bringing me to this country and showing me a country that I learned to love and today I call my home. Last year, I was faced with the choice of staying or going back to Argentina, and I chose to stay in this land. I am a citizen of the world like my father. Today my home is California, tomorrow who knows. All I know is that I am forever grateful for having the opportunity to live in California and I am looking forward to the lessons the years to come will bring. I am blessed!

Many blessings,

Carolina Amalia Amor

Presiding Priestess of Circulo de Isis
Member of the Archdruid Union
Founder of Tienda Roja

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tsunami - Ready for the big wave?

Pressure building! The tectonic plates of our foundations are shaking! Are you ready to ride the big wave of this year? What things have you been holding to in your life even though you know they don´t serve a purpose anymore? Are you attached to things that are not good for you for fear of the unknown? What are you trying to resuscitate even though you know it is a DNR type of relationship or situation?

As the Moon drives the tides, we are being driven by the energies that are transiting the skies at this time. Mars is calling us to re-evaluate how we face assertiveness and how we engage in our battles. It´s also calling for diplomacy as it is transiting Libra but is being politically correct the right choice at this time? Sometimes you have to be cruel to show you love deeply.   

Saturn is stationed retrograde in Scorpio since March 2 asking us to really look deep into the core structures in our lives. Scorpio is associated with death, taxes and the underworld. Saturn is connected to our structures and how we build our foundations. Sometimes you have to demolish in order to be able to build again. It´s time to look at the skeletons in the closet, bury them and let them go because they don´t serve you anymore so when we rebuild our foundations, we do it on firm and solid ground.

Uranus is transiting Aries at this time fueling Mars in Libra because fire and air only build a bigger fire. Uranus is the planet of fast resolution. It is associated with the Tower card in the Tarot and the energy that this planet has is very electric. When we experience its energy, we usually end up in a state of shock because things have moved very quickly and changed almost over night. Uranus is the pioneer and the one that helps us think outside the box. While transiting Aries, Uranus asks us to take the lead in thinking differently. How can we look at different situations and find a better way? Can we take a different approach? 

Pluto is transiting Capricorn at this time and it´s connecting with Saturn and helping us let go of some of those structures that we have built in the past but are no longer needed. Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio and Saturn the ruler of Capricorn so it brings a stronger connection as Saturn is transiting Pluto´s sign and viceversa. Another connection here is that Pluto will turn retrograde on April 14 just before a Lunar Eclipse in Libra on April 15 putting emphasis in the current theme of change and transformation, of letting go and moving on to the next phase in our lives. Pluto is associated with the Death card in the Tarot and it usually brings change in a slower pace than Uranus. Change is change no matter how but when Pluto is involved, there is more pain and grief than a state of shock. 

These four planets are dancing in the skies forming a grand cross during this month. This planetary aspect is pressing us to make decisions, to evaluate, to think differently, and to demolish old structures so newer ones can take place. We can not continue functioning the way we used to in the past. Many of our foundations are shaking these days and we are being pushed to break some of them in order to transcend to the next level. After the earthquake comes the tsunami. April is the month of the big wave that will wash away anything and everything that is not rooted on solid ground. Use this month to look within, to ask yourself the hard questions, and step forward without looking back. 

Are you ready for the big wave? You can choose to ignore it, swim against it or just ride it so it can take you to your destination - a new you! Don´t fear! Just trust! There is a rainbow on the other side.

Many blessings,

Carolina Amalia Amor