Thursday, August 13, 2020

2020 - it´s a marathon, not a sprint

First post of 2020 and we are already in August! I am dropping a line so you know I am still alive and in this world. Looking back, I don´t think I could have ever imagined the reality we are living in today. Social distancing, shelter in place, no traveling, wearing masks in public, fear and more. 

Change happened in what felt like overnight. I landed back from Portland on March 9 after presenting in the NorthWest Tarot Symposium and by March 13, I was already working from home. Shelter in place began March 16 with the promise of a two week pause to stop the spread of COVID before it got out of control. They say people have a hard time with change but fear is a great motivator but it is not a consistent one. People face their fears after a while. A friend of mine showed me a meme that was very telling in the story of fear as the motivator. This meme showed a bar chart comparing COVID exposure vs. COVID fear. In March the COVID fear bar was super big as the COVID exposure was very small. Today the COVID fear bar is very small and the COVID exposure has grown exponentially as we reached over 20 million infected all over the world. We are all sick and tired of the pandemic and so eager to get back to normal but this is not the time to lower our defenses or to get loose on our precautions to prevent the spread of this virus. COVID is real and it is not a sprint. This is a marathon and it takes everyones diligence to be able to fight it. 

Saturn in Aquarius is bringing us a ride. As I talk, He is transiting back in Capricorn but he will be back in Aquarius in December and He has given us a taste of what to expect from his transit in Aquarius from March till end of June. Yes... that was a preview. We have to redefine what Freedom is for us. We are called to separate from each other to think about what is best for the whole. Do you wear a mask for others? Do you want the best for the highest good? Aquarius calls for thinking about what´s best for all, not just a few. COVID is one avenue of waking up of a me dream to an us dream while keeping the distance. Many teachers are talking about the Earth raising its vibration and humanity going to the next dimension, they are talking about ascension. If you ask me, I think we are going through a wake up period because we have got out of track and we need to realign with Mother Earth, with Humanity, with each other. We need to move from me to us. We need to start caring about the whole instead of our own little place because in the end, we are all connected. It is not you or I, it is about who we are in the collective and how we raise up together. I find it interesting that they named this virus Corona (Crown). This is the symbol of the Queen and the Queen archetype does not think about herself but she thinks about what is best for the realm (Ava Park´s Queen Teachings). Maybe Corona Virus is here to teach us to move from my reality to the reality that is best for all involved. 

The title of this blog is "it´s a marathon, not a sprint". This situation is not going to be resolved over night but it will take some time. You can do your part. I know you are tired. I know I am! If everyone does their part, we will be able to get out of this sooner and we will do it together. This is about us, not just you and I. Wear you mask, stay home, do your part. We are all one. 

Many blessings,


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