Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Change is in the Air

Divine timing versus my timing.... Divine timing wins. Sometimes we plan our lives with a rigid schedule to find ourselves struggling with the Universe sending us some shifters so we are able to change the direction to where we are supposed to be going.

Last Friday, I arrived home and I had the hit that it was time to move. Where did my dream of a doggie go? Yes, I let it go with staying in the apartment I shared with my ex-husband. At that time, I loved the home more than my dream of freedom, of singlehood and my Diana Maiden Queen self with my doggie companion.

I know there has been some healing with this home as I met the previous owner who was a child of divorce whose dad had a new partner but it did not work out for them so this is a home of divorce, of broken homes, of disrupt and I´ve been fighting so much with the energies of the space - cleansing and cleaning as I go but the time has come to realize the truth... This is not my story and I need to shift as this is not my home anymore.

With this realization, I arrived last Friday and I went to the Google Goddess who showed me the way to my new home. It only took a few minutes to add pet friendly and the apartment pool went down to 7 places from which one was the one I looked at every time I went on a bike ride and I even considered when I was thinking of moving out after divorce. So.... I send a request to see the property and I got an amazing email from the property manager on a Friday at 5:50 pm (yep 10 min before closing). So.... I picked up the phone as something said "call" and I got her so we joked that if she sent such a great email, that email deserved a phone call... and believe me when I say I don´t like calling people but I did with her. Appointment was set for Saturday and the apartment was amazing! I applied and got confirmed ... I know many of you are thinking it is Mercury Retrograde but when the time is right, you become aware and the retrograde is there just to caution you but not stop you.

It was very funny when I was applying to my new apartment, the property manager told me... this apartment was rented to other single women before.... So I said... It´s a single lady apartment! Two years is enough and if my ex could move in three weeks, so can I! and the days are counted in the town house of separation and going into the home of maidenhood. I am already a Queen so .... Hail the Maiden Queen!!!! Change is in the Air and I welcome it with open arms. All is well!

Love and Light,

Carolina A. Amor

Presiding Priestess of Circulo de Isis
Member of the Archdruid Union
Founder of Tienda Roja

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Dare to be unique!

Is one part of you saying yes and the other part saying but what will my.... say?  This is one of the stories we share in common with humanity. We were all born within a tribe and the tribe has a lot of mandates that we follow without questioning because questioning them would make us a target to get kicked out of the tribe. The tribe represents safety and our comfort. It´s hard to go against the current and challenge the tribe mandates but what is the price we pay if we just conform? What is our spirit denying to try to conform with the tribe?

During the past two weeks, I´ve been meditating with Lady Olivia Robertson asking her what she wants me to talk about in my presentation in Pantheacon. My talk is about her legacy and her work but it wouldn´t be fair if I didn´t ask what she wants to see in the presentation, what she thinks I should cover and what are the key points I need to make. Messages come in strange places in strange situations when you never expect them but the other day when I was in the gym, I received a message from her saying "Tell people not to fear their uniqueness, they need to learn to be who they are instead of adjusting to what people want them to do or be. The time is now for them to start being authentic and fearless in their expression of who they are at the core." As I sat with this message, I began remembering her and she was indeed unique and did not fear being herself. She was one of the most connected and spontaneous people I´ve ever met. She was movable and guidable and her guides definitely showed her the way. We could be sitting and having tea when she felt we had to go find some flowers for the Goddess and there we went to find the flowers! She did not think what are they going to think if I say we have to get up now? She just did what she felt she had to do and followed her inner compass, her intuition and her guides.

Another person that dare to be unique and freaky and different was David Bowie. I was very sad when I found out he passed away last Monday after battling cancer. He was really inspiring and one of those "one in a lifetime" type of person that does not fear what they will say. He was from another planet and he knew it and he did not feel ashamed about that. He is another example of uniqueness and the fact that no matter what other people would say, he dared to be himself and break the structure. He broke traditions, he broke the pattern and had the courage to show the world something different. When I look back at his videos and songs, I can definitely say he was something else but in his uniqueness, he had charisma and charm. One friend of mine told me the fairies spread too much pixie dust on him so he could be totally out there and be fine! 

Looking at these examples, one very close to me with Lady Olivia and one in the public eye with David Bowie, I can´t help but think whether I am being authentic in my own life. What parts of my self I am hiding to conform with society? I took the first step when I dared to talk about my spirituality and defied my parents path about 20 years ago. I was the black sheep then but now I have Goddessize (yes, this is my word) them. Most of my family has altars and knows who the Goddess Isis is, they also know I am a Priestess, a Psychic, a Medium and that at times I see the world different. If you look at your life, do you think you are very authentic or are you afraid of showing who you truly are? Do you try to fit the mold that society has set around people so you are not judged or left in isolation? Sometimes the coconut is your best friend and it is better to be alone than in bad company so ....

Do you dare to be unique? The time is now! Nothing to hide and time to shine. Don´t fear just be you. Dare to be unique!

Love and light,

Carolina Amalia Amor

Sunday, January 3, 2016

What´s your 2016 word?

2016 has began!! And with a new year, we have a new opportunity to set the intentions for the year to come. In order to set our new intentions, we have to review the old and decide what is complete, what we would like to complete this year and what things we can just let go of, we can also look into adding a new things that we would want to do during the year that we did not think about last year.

2015 was the year of expansion for me. I was able to accomplish many things I did not think I could such as being a presenter in the Parliament of World Religions or studying with some well known teachers such as Sonia Choquette, Doreen Virtue, Charles Virtue, John Holland among others. Looking back, I feel I did an exponential jump in my vibrations and my knowledge to point me in the direction I want to go when it comes to my Priestess role and my spiritual path. I know it was just the beginning and this work never ends, but I do feel it was a life changing year.

Starting to meditate in my vision for 2016, I can see it as a year of transition, of discernment, and of focus. It´s time to start focusing on my projects and not let anything move me away from them such as distractions, unnecessary drama, toxic people, energy vampires among other things. It´s the year of being just a steady Eddie like Sonia Choquette would say and do a little bit every day to move me forward to my goal. It does not have to be something big but it is that constant work and energy being put into our goals that make them real. I also have to me mindful of my thoughts because thoughts become things and if in the background, I have some limiting beliefs, they will impact my results. It´s time to trust the Universe and be open knowing that my goals are aligned with my purpose so effortless movement should be expected. I will not allow the monkey mind to derail me from my goals.

When the year starts, some people make new year resolutions, others create vision boards, some set intentions and others look for one word that will define their year to come. This word can be your intention for this year or it could be something that you want to work on or assimilate or integrate. My word for 2016 is transition, what is yours?

May 2016 be filled with happiness, love, good health and prosperity! May your intentions come true and that you live true to your purpose and authentic to your self.

Love and light,

Carolina A. Amor

Presiding Priestess of Circulo de Isis
Member of the Archdruid Union
Founder of Tienda Roja