Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What's in your bucket list?

New Moons allow us to plant seeds, to think what we want to manifest in the next cycle and to create. Today, with the New Moon in Pisces, I started thinking about the concept of the bucket list. Yes... those things we would like to manifest in this lifetime. What are those things you want to do before you pass? What marks you want to leave in this land? Do you want to be remembered when you are gone and for what?

Things in this list can be as simple as traveling to a foreign land, to writing a book, to having a child, to infinite possibilities. It's up to us to decide what things are not negotiable and we do want to manifest in this lifetime.

It may sound silly but since I got to this country, I've always wanted to go to Disneyland. Growing up in Argentina, Disney always seemed like a paradise, wonderland, a place of magic. Next weekend, I will get to do two things that are in my bucket list - going to Disney and visiting the Goddess Temple of Orange County. These two things have been in my wanting to do for a long time and finally the time has come to manifest them and bring them to fruition. As the days pass by and the date comes closer, the excitement grows and the happiness fills my heart to know that I will manifest some of my dreams. What dreams you want to manifest in the next cycle? What is your heart yearning to bring to life?

I know many of the items in my bucket list are long term goals but manifesting small goals helps me grow confident that I can manifest it all. That when the day comes, I know I have lived to my fullest trying to accomplish all those dreams and things I wanted to manifest.

Sometimes, we believe that others need to help us achieve our goals. Take the Disneyland example for me, I've always thought my husband would be the one taking me to Disneyland but as time passed and things did not come to fruition, I understood that I could manifest that on my own, that I was not attached to depending on others to make my dream come true. Even when I thought I was going to go alone to Los Angeles, I thought I would go alone to Disneyland. Lucky enough, my Priestess Sister and Queen Friend is coming with me and she has never been to Disneyland either so my trip is turning out to be an amazing adventure. Are you waiting for others to help you accomplish your goals? Do you place responsibility on others to help you reach your dreams?

During this New Moon, meditate on those things in your bucket list and plant the seeds for manifestation in the next cycle.

Many blessings,

Lady Carolina

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