Monday, October 1, 2012


They say the truth will set you free! Little did I know when I got the Wise Woman of Wonderland  in the oracle I consulted this morning, things will turn out to be the way they did. The Wise Woman of Wonderland is about honesty and speaking your truth. She says honesty will pay off and it definitely did.

For the first time in my life, I was able to sit down and have a heart to heart discussion with my dad. I was able to express all my feelings for the past two years and the things I have been going through, feelings, emotions, thoughts, everything. It was an open discussion and I really put everything on the table. It was amazing to hear him say "You are a strong and powerful woman, you will survive anywhere you go, you are the hero in the family" It seems that my family has been talking about me and saying that I was the one strong enough to go away and survive; not only survive, but thrive. I have no idea some saw me as the heroine of the story who is strong enough to go for her destiny, leave everything behind and still stand strong and be successful. 

It was very nice to hear these words of confidence and strength when I´ve been shaking and feeling doubtful as of whether I can survive at all. Am I ready for the next step? Am I ready to be myself again? Am I ready to be independent and not collapse?

It all started with the movie Eat, Pray and Love because it is one of my favorite movies and my dad watched it today so he had to ask what was going on. Funny enough I heard myself saying... "I am not going to go getting tickets to go visit other countries, daddy" I think we both smile at that time but we both know that I am a grown up woman and no matter what happens in my future, he knows I hold my vision, I hold my rules, and as a Queen of my Realm, I am sovereign and I own my destiny. I will vision it and manifest it. 

It was nice to be able to open up and express my fears from the past and know that he also knows I will be ok because I am a strong woman and I can stand on my own. Honesty did set me free today.

Many blessings,

Lady Carolina 
Presiding Priestess of Circulo de Isis

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