Sunday, February 28, 2010

Full Moon Messages

Full Moons are very powerful times. Not only they illuminate areas in our life, they also allow us to complete a cycle and move to the next. With every Full Moon, we complete what we started in the New Moon, and we prepare for the next stage.

From the last Full Moon in Leo on January 29 till this Full Moon in Virgo, I feel like I have gone to the bottom of the cauldron and I am slowly emerging now. February was a month of changes, of obstacles, of challenges, but also of rewards and happiness. I think it was like being on a scale trying to achieve balance between the positive and the negative in life. The positive things were visiting the Isis Oasis Temple and making the connection with some strong Goddess women, reading other Priestesses autobiographies and learning about their journeys, and also meeting other Priestesses. On the negative side, I had my car broken into which felt like somebody tearing me apart, I am not sure if it was because it took me to the past when violence was around me and I did not have any power to stop it or feel like it was not an attack to me but to the car. I was also sick during this period and that made me feel how vulnerable I am and how at times, I need to take time for myself and nourish myself.

Work and school presented challenges as well, and help me confront the issue that has always been my shadow. The fact that I feel no matter what I do, I am never enough. Yesterday, I had a reading with Z Budapest, and the Devil card came up. When I saw it, I knew the Devil is within me when I feel like I am not enough and I need to push myself obsessively to do more so I can feel I am enough, a new degree, a new class, a new book, a new training... more, more, more, do, do, do so I feel like if I have all these things to prove that I am enough, I will be able to rest. I know I need to work in accepting myself the way I am, and not because I do something or have a diploma. The good thing about the reading was that it showed what things as they are, and that my soul is like the High Priestess, I just need to let my soul guide me instead of my mind that may tend to go like the Devil into the small voice telling me that I am not enough or I am not powerful.

As a Priestess, this month, I started creating rituals for a group in Spain, and for the first time, I wrote rituals in Spanish. I couldn't believe how hard it was in the beginning since I am used to English for rituals. It was a great feeling to write a ritual for other groups in Europe. I just felt the magick flowing at that time, and know that my soul is fed when I do that. I also connected with some Priestesses in Argentina and I am loving the fact that the Goddess is reaching Argentina - my homeland!

Overall, this month has been positive and I look forward to the spring, and the energies of change for the next cycle.

Many blessings!!

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